When Catholics come together to give praise, honor and worship to God, they are engaging in God’s most important work. Liturgy means the work of the people. The Church tells us: …”the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all her power flows..”
In order for our parish worship to be the source and summit it takes many people to do the work God has called us to do to ensure the worship of our parish family is the best it can be.
This ministry is open to young people grades 5 on up for the purpose of assisting the priest throughout the celebration of the liturgy. Training is required to be an altar server.
For more information contact Adriana Bowell at atlarservers@smwimberley.org
Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is provided periodically throughout the year. Extraordinary ministers of communion must be confirmed. Ministers are scheduled according to Mass preference.
For more information contact
Stephanie Gregoire (512)-657-4717 gregoire.stephanie8@gmail.com
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Sunday liturgy and at other parish liturgical celebrations. Lectors are scheduled according to Mass preference if availability at the preferred Mass exists.
For more information contact Stephanie Gregoire (512)-657-4717 gregoire.stephanie8@gmail.com
or Juanita Casas (512) 847-2965 for Spanish.
Our parish choir sings together, prays together and is committed to assisting the full participation of the community in praising God through the sung prayer of the Sunday Liturgy.
For more information or if interested in joining the choir please contact Dane Madrigal at choir@smwimberley.org